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William Dongois – Special 2018

Improvisation, Ancient Music
Professor at the HEM Genève


After studying the trumpet (national conservatoires of Reims and Paris) and writting (national conservatoire of Reims), William Dongois teaches this instrument and has as well an intense musical activity. He initiate to the cornetto with Jean-Pierre Canihac, then with Bruce Dickey at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis. He has played and recorded for various bands. He leads Le Concert Brisé ensemble. “Diapason” awarded “La barca d’amore” recording (Carpe Diem, 1998, reissued Accent, 2009) with “five diapasons”, acknowledging “an outstanding performer” and “a precious guide on the way of an assumed period style”. Craig Zeichner (« Early Music America », 2011) writes about the live recording of the sonatas of Pandolfi-Mealli (Carpe Diem, 2010): “Dongois is stunning and plays with a fluid and precise timbre utterly irresistible, a timbre that can be clear and bright, but as well smooth like Miles’”. Two of the latest recordings of Le Concert Brisé, dedicated to Bertali (ACC 24260) and Scheidemann (ACC 24302) received a “golden diapason” (2014 and 2016). He collaborates with the instrument manufacturer Henri Gohin. William Dongois teaches improvisation during Master-Classes in various European institutions of higher education in music. He teaches the cornetto at the Haute École de Musique (HEM) of Genève.



2006 : Méthode d’improvisation et de diminution – Apprendre à improviser avec la musique ancienne (éd. Color & Talea, Symétrie).
2014 : Article « Gibt es ein idealen Klang des Zinken für die Kirche, in Über den Klang aufgeklärter Frömmigkeit, Retrospektive und Progression in der geistlichen Musik, Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte », N°78. Wissner Verlag, Augsburg.
2014 : « L’apport de la recherche pour un musicien instrumentiste : écho de la séance du 4 avril 2014 du séminaire du Conservatoire de Paris », La Revue du Conservatoire, N°4.
2014 : Semplice ou passegiato (Droz). Book dedicated to the art of diminution, Ouvrage consacré à l’art de la diminution, as a result of the research project initiated in the HEM Genève « IMPROPAL ».
Research project around Mersenne : upcoming publications presenting diminution in l’Harmonie universelle (1636).
2015 : Article « Für eine Erneuerung der Cornettino-Praxis, in Der Zink-Geschichte, Instrumente und Bauweise, Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte », Wissner Verlag, Augsburg, N°79.

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Show Producer License 2 n ° 2-1021523 beginning validity 13/12/2008
President of the association: Mr. Bruno Magri
Headquarters: 171, route de Marolles - 78670 Villennes / Seine

Writing: Webmaster
Translation: Rachel Hirel
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Photo credits: Michèle Belletti / Malik Chaïb / Armand Luciani / / Patrick Audoux / Alain d'Ortoli

Video credits: Guy Cosson / Jean-Yves Legrand / Pirouette Film / Eddy Woj

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